The Claim Insurance Agency is an independently owned and locally operated insurance agency. We help people across the state find affordable and reliable insurance products from a variety of trusted carriers. As an independent agency, we can help you find the perfect combination of coverage and price to fit your unique needs.
Broadway, Chennai 600 108
Experience & Skill
Here are a few reasons why The Claim Insurance Agency should be your first and last stop when looking for insurance.
Qualification & Experience
Jayaramu a Business Professional was into Insurance Business from 2010. He realised Insurance is not merely an investment to save taxes. It’s lot more. Wheather it is financial security for family or having protection cover when life springs up unpleasent surprise or even taking care of educational needs of your loved ones. There is nothing which can beat insurance It can give you all protection when ever needed.
We at Claim Insurance evalute the needs of our client and propose plan that will meet the criteria, as well as clients financial status. We also give protection plan by quoting rates for immediate coverage and long term goals.