Best Investments comes from Collection of investments
A Mutual Fund Portfolio is the collection of investments made in different MF schemes. All these investments are in sync with your investment goals and objectives. It offers a comprehensive view of your investments in Mutual funds and allows you to monitor them or analyze and manage them better.

Right Asset Allocation
The ideal mutual funds portfolio has the right asset allocation suiting the investor’s risk appetite, investment horizon and his goal. It should be well diversified among the schemes from different sub-asset categories and the exposure towards a given single scheme should not exceed the 10% of the overall portfolio. Even exposure should be divided among various reputed asset management companies (AMCs) and fund managers as each fund manager has its own style of managing it. There must be some amount kept aside to meet the sudden exigencies. The portfolio should get reviewed after every six months or on occurrence of any specific market event with the help of your financial advisor.
- Mutual Fund
- Jayaramu